- வாய்மை எனப்படுவ தியாதெனின் யாதொன்றந் தீமையிலாத சொலல். Truth is the speaking of such words as are free from the least degree of evil.
Principal Message

Today Education has reached pinnacles of praise and victory. With the advance of Science and technology the field of education yields fruits of success, committment, job facilities with high standard.
The institution has earned a position of pride in society in a short span of time.
St. Anne’s College of Education, Periyakulam is NAAC ‘B’ Grade and has a glorious tradition of being committed to the cultivation of mind, and spirit of the students. It takes an initiative in producing the conducive atmosphere for the development of moral and finer qualities of the students.
My Prayers and blessings for the fruitful future of the Students.
Dr. Sr. J. Beula Fragrance
St. Anne’s B.Ed. College for Women.
Activities @ a Glance



What Students Say
I joined St. Anne’s B. Ed. College for Women under the Confusion to do post graduation or B.Ed., but after joining the college I never regretted it. Because of the experience, the atmosphere at the college was so good and the faculty were very supportive and guidance were given by them. Today I feel proud to be the Alumni of St. Anne’s B. Ed. College for Women.
Louis Thanislas Mary 2006-2007 Batch -
I am happy that I chose the right institution for my B.Ed. course. The culture of the college enabled me to unveil my potential skills, confidence and sharpening my knowledge to become an efficient teacher. I always remember my principal and teachers for the support they have rendered on me.
Sucila Mary 2008-2009 Batch -
St.Anne's B.ED College For Women has made my dream come true. I am proud to be Alumni of this College which has given me inspiration to be an ideal teacher. I could not believe myself that I stood top in results among my classmates. The credit goes to ever helping faculty and principal. I would always cherish the great moments I spent in doing my B. Ed.
A. Bala Mary 2011-2012 BatchWhen I entered St.Anne's B.ED College For Women, I found something new in this B.Ed. course. This course, in this college provides opportunities for the students to develop several qualities which are essential to become a good teacher. This college has developed in me the quality of hard work, discipline, leadership and so on.
N. Nesa Arockia Mary 2014-2015 Batch
Got Questions?
- Dr. Sr.J. Beula Fragrance
- [email protected]
- +91-9489082519
- http://annesbedpkm.org/